The Media Nerds on TV!

The Media Nerds television show is on the air! Check your local Shaw TV listings to catch the show in it’s natural environment, or just watch the first episode here! Special thanks to Billy and the crew at Shaw TV Winnipeg for making this possible. Keep checking back, new episodes will be airing every week! […]

Rate the Media Nerds on iTunes!

Independent podcasts like ours owe a lot to Apple. Without the immensely popular iTunes program, almost no one would be able to listen to us. However it is tough for smaller shows to stand out among the thousands of podcasts featured on iTunes. One way to increase the visibility and awareness of a podcast on […]

The Nerds Do Comic Con!

We will once again be podcasting live from the Central Canada Comic Con, October 30th – November 1st at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg. As the Manitoba Podcast Network will not have a table at C4 this year, the Nerds will be podcasting “guerrilla style,” setting up and recording wherever we damn well see fit, […]

Free Press Radio (originally posted Sept. 23, 2012)

The following was posted two-and-a-half years ago on my old blog, after a massive round of layoffs at the Winnipeg Free Press. At the time, the local Twittersphere exploded in passionate debate, much like last weekend after the Freep announced its new paywall. Some of this is dated, but I think the central concept holds: […]

Day 8 – The Muppet Christmas Carol

I’m going to make this one short and sweet, because while I have no problem watching all of these movies in the evenings after the kids go to bed, this whole “blogging about each one” thing is pretty time consuming. I’ve got last minute shopping to do! Anyhoo, The Muppet Christmas Carol is one of […]

Day 7 – Bad Santa

Finally, a Christmas movie that properly conveys the spirit of the season – Bad Santa! Directed by Terry Zwigoff (Crumb, Ghost World), Bad Santa stars Billy Bob Thornton, Tony Cox, Bernie Mac, John Ritter and Lauren Graham. Joel and Ethan Coen were executive producers of the film, and it was John Ritter’s last movie before […]

Day 6 – Trading Places

Trading Places stars Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy and was directed by John Landis. It was Murphy’s second blockbuster in a row (after 48 Hours) and provided Aykroyd with a much-needed boost in popularity, as his post-SNL career (Blues Brothers notwithstanding) seemed to be floundering, Trading Places was released on June 8, 1983 and placed […]

Day 5 – Brazil

Brazil (1985) was written and directed by Terry Gilliam (Tom Stoppard also co-wrote) and was his second non-Python feature film. Jonathan Pryce stars, and the movie is full of huge names in smaller roles. (Robert DeNiro, Bob Hoskins, Ian Holm, and Michael Palin, among others). I rented it on iTunes. For the plot summary, I’ll […]

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